How could we use the internet of things & sensors to solve the global goals?
Since 3 years MakeSense have been teaming up with Cisco in France to encourage engineers students all across the country to use the internet of everything to solve global issues.
More than 2000 students & entrepreneurs are encouraged to create their Social Business using this technology and every year 6 laureates gain access to funding, partnership with Cisco, access to fab labs to prototype their product, help from MakeSense worldwide community of volunteers and residence in our incubator office and programs.
MakeSense & Cisco team follow the projects to help them build partnerships with other corporates and governments to scale their social innovation.
At MakeSense we believe that to solve the global goals we need hundred thousands of social innovations like the ones our entrepreneurs are building with Cisco using connected objects and sensors.
Discover some of the Social Business supported by MakeSense & Cisco using connected objects and sensors to solve the global goals below:
By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste management
WAIR : A smart scarf and mobile app against pollution

Wair co-founder Presenting her Social Business to John Chambers ( Cisco president ) and Emmanuel Macron ( Minister of economy of France – then )
By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States, and land-locked developing countries, in accordance with their respective programmes of support
ZEPHYR SOLAR : Photovoltaic Balloon to give energy in Refugee camp

By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
PANDA : Sound reality & Artificial Intelligence to help Blind people navigate through everyday life

By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
L INCREVABLE: Reduce waste and planned obsolescence with circular economy designed smart objects
By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency
Elum Energy is a Software-as-a-Service company developing the Energy OS, the first energy intelligence platform that automates utility bill savings for industrial & commercial clients leveraging energy price arbitrage opportunities coupled with additional grid services.

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